The World's worst professional tennis player

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While the best athletes always make newspaper headlines, we rarely hear about the worst. Robert Dee of Britain falls in the latter category. He was recently dubbed - "The worst-ever professional tennis player in the World" - a title bestowed on him after he won his first match.

The 21-year old who turned professional three years ago, has lost every one of the 54 matches (108 sets) he has played since then. Recently however, he finally broke his losing streak by winning the first round in a qualifying tournament in Spain. The winning streak did not last too long though - Dee promptly lost the tournament in the second round.

There is only one other player in the world, Diego Beltranena from Guatemala, who has the dubious honor of matching Dee's dismal record. However it took Diego eight years to lose so many matches and he managed to win a few in between - making Dee the undisputed record loser.

However, Dee, who trains five hours a day, is not discouraged at all - in fact his one win has encouraged him to believe that he can win other matches. Dee's parents are as hopeful and proud of him. His dad, who pays for all of Dee's travels and tournament expenses is very proud of his dedication and perseverance, and believes he is a tribute to any young tennis player.

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  • HP ROCKS!!!!!!about 13 years
    a worst professional tennis player? okward?
    • Mackenzie2over 13 years
      He has the right to push himself forward! He is really brave to continue after all of the rude remarks he has gotten (that I know he has got!). But, still, that would make me REALLY embarrassed!!!
      • Ashleyover 13 years
        He's not embarrassed???
        • spencerover 13 years
          you guys are losers
          • A gIRLover 13 years
            THATS EMBARaSING
            • dominiqueabout 14 years
              wow so freaken cool awesome totally dude
              • NEHALover 14 years
                • NEHALover 14 years
                  • kimover 14 years
                    • kimover 14 years
                      dat is sum scary games