Kids Books - Adventure Books

Shatterproof (The 39 Clues: Cahills vs. Vespers, Book 4)

Shatterproof (The 39 Clues: Cahills vs. Vespers, Book 4)

By Roland Smith

Dan and Amy are sent on another crazy mission to retrieve an obscule item on the orders and threat of the Vespers. This time, they know the Vespers are out to get Dan's best friend, Atticus, who is, apparently, a "guardian". In order to save seven hostages of their own family, Amy and Dan must steal the Golden Jubilee, one of the biggest and most heavily-guarded diamonds in the world. There's another problem- from The Medusa painting to the De Virga map, Dan and Amy have pinpointed themselves onto the Interpol's Most Wanted list.

Flashback Four #3: The Pompeii Disaster

Flashback Four #3: The Pompeii Disaster

By Dan Gutman

I love these series of books. There are 4 in the series, and they are by Dan Gutman. The only one that I have not read, is the fourth and final one. If you are interested in history, I would really recommend these series of books! This one is all about the Pompei Diaster! Love these. #thumbs up!

The Puzzling World of Winston Breen (Puzzling World Winston Breen)

The Puzzling World of Winston Breen (Puzzling World Winston Breen)

By Eric Berlin

"The Puzzling World of Winston Breen" is a great book. Some of the things that I really liked about this book is that I love mysteries and that is exactly what type of book this is I also love to do puzzles and there are lots of puzzles. :)

Minecraft: Essential Handbook (Updated Edition): An Official Mojang Book

Minecraft: Essential Handbook (Updated Edition): An Official Mojang Book

By Stephanie Milton, Paul Soares Jr., Jordan Maron


OMG I LOVE MINECRAFT!!!!!! SOMEONE GIVE ME THIS BOOK I REALLY NEED IT!! Just kidding! I need to read this, because there's actually stuff I don't know. How much is this?

Island of Dragons (Geronimo Stilton and the Kingdom of Fantasy #12)

Island of Dragons (Geronimo Stilton and the Kingdom of Fantasy #12)

By Geronimo Stilton

Woo-hoo! I am the first and this is an amazing book!!!

The Return to the Kingdom of Fantasy (The Quest for Paradise)

The Return to the Kingdom of Fantasy (The Quest for Paradise)

By Geronimo Stilton

It was a very engaging adventure and fantasy story. The main plot of the story is deeply interesting though there are many teensy tiny problems along the way. Even though it is just a story that you might read , you should be ready at all times to find yourself in an a new world of book imagination.

No Summit out of Sight: The True Story of the Youngest Person to Climb the Seven Summits

No Summit out of Sight: The True Story of the Youngest Person to Climb the Seven Summits

By Jordan Romero

Have you been considering to read any of Jordan Romero's books? You probably haven't. If you were considering to read one of his books a good book to start out with would be No Summit Out Of Sight. If you noticed the title it's about summits/mountains and it's about a boy who looks at a mural with all the tallest mountains in the world. So he got inspired to climb all the mountains. He climbed his first mountain when he was 12. Once he tells his dad his dad wanted him to follow his dreams so they started training, struggling, and bonding on the way to climb the summits. The first mountain they climbed is in Africa and it is called Kilimanjaro. On their journey they run into lots of dangerous ice, running out of (body) energy, falling, and the agony of being cold. At the age of 15 he became the youngest person to reach the summits of the tallest mountains. His journey begins in his hometown of Georgia and he climbed mountains all over the world from 2007 to 2011. The protagonist of the book is Jordan Romero and the antagonist of the is Jordan, dad, and Karen because they struggle on there way to each and every mountain. One major conflict was the mom because she was worried about Jordan's safety and because she didn't want him to get frostbite either. Another conflict was they were in the middle of the mountain and Jordan didn't want to go any further because he was to cold and he was struggling to walk because he had no energy left. Jordan solved his conflict by resisting the cold and pushing through it. This was a very good book to read but I'm into fiction books but if you like nonfiction books this is a very good book and if you are wondering it's kinda based of a movie coming out called "Everest". But anyway read the book and enjoy.

Lions & Liars

Lions & Liars

By Kate Beasley

In the book, there is a theory. There are lions, gazelles, meerkats, and fleas. Frederick is a flea. When things do not go his way when the cruise is cancelled, his friend Joel puts a boat in the river. Frederick steps on it, and then sails away. But this time, the boat wasn't in his control and he floated away to a faraway camp. He has fun until he realizes that it is a discipline camp. But that was the least of the problem. One teammate, Ant Bite does into the woods when a storm is headed their way. Frederick goes to find him and they end up trapped when they returned. Read to find how this fun, action-packed booklets this couple into the jaws of victory or...

The Mark of the Dragonfly

The Mark of the Dragonfly

By Jaleigh Johnson

Piper has never seen the Mark of the Dragonfly until she finds the girl amid the wreckage of a caravan in the Meteor Fields. The girl doesn't remember a thing about her life, but the intricate tattoo on her arm is proof that she's from the Dragonfly Territories and that she's protected by the king. Which means a reward for Piper if she can get the girl home. The one sure way to the Territories is the 401, a great old beauty of a train. But a ticket costs more coin than Piper could make in a year. And stowing away is a difficult prospect--everyone knows that getting past the peculiar green-eyed boy who stands guard is nearly impossible. Life for Piper just turned dangerous. A little bit magical. And very exciting, if she can manage to survive the journey. It is an adventurous journey.

Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison

Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison

By Lois Lenski

we are reading this book in class and i hate it when we have to stop!!! it is about a girl who is captured by the indians and has to learn their way of life. she must learn to talk, act, dress, eat, cook, and work like an indian. this is truely and amazing book i recommend it to everyone!!

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