Kids Books - Social



By Paul Griffin

I found Adrift after a desperate search of my library for a book that might heal a bit of the heartbreak from the ending of the Throne of Glass series., and since it was short and had a decent-looking storyline, I grabbed it and started reading. You can't go wrong with a book about five teens stranded at sea with no hope of survival, right? WRONG. Don't get me wrong, I like a fast-paced book, but Adrift was had a blink-and-you'll-miss-it plot. It felt like the author just tossed the story upon you without a second thought for character development. It definitely would have done better as a longer novel. But I have to give Mr. Griffin credit; the story is what it claims to be and nothing less. It was realistic in gristly details and had an ending that just sums up how life goes: The main characters don't always get the girl, not everyone lives, and it's not always just forgive-and-forget. I found Adrift in the teen section, but anyone could read it. It's only 228 pages, so I didn't lose much, but this book didn't leave me feeling like I'd gained anything, either.

Disney•Pixar Inside Out: So Many Feelings: Riley's World Inside and Out

Disney•Pixar Inside Out: So Many Feelings: Riley's World Inside and Out

By Disney Inside Out

Even though I don't own this book yet, I have read sneak peeks of it. It's basically an activity journal of Riley's perspective on the story and movie-related activities. There are lots of photos and doodles. There are even ticket stubs and pizza receipts from the movie. Very cute!

Bone Gap

Bone Gap

By Laura Ruby

This book is the kind that is hard to put down, the one that makes you just absolutely HAVE to know what happens. It grasps you and holds tight and when your done it still holds on to you as you still think about it and how everything slowly pieced together. It's a mind twisting mysterey about a boy named Fin, and a girl named Roza. It all begins when a mysterious and beautiful polish girl covered in cuts and bruises named Roza appears in the small midwestern town of bonegap. When she is kidnapped her only eye witness is Finn. Who , for the life of him, can identify the kidnapper. We learn of Fin, Roza, and find older brothers unfortunate past. And weave through the love, the heartbreak, the mystery, and the happiness.

Write On! (Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo (Pb))

Write On! (Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo (Pb))

By Nancy Krulik

I read this book at a very young age, but it is still one of my favorites. In this misadventure, Katie's favorite author is coming to school. But when Katie forgets to read her newest book, she is forced to experience being the author. Very inspirational for kid writers!

Helen Keller (DK Biography)

Helen Keller (DK Biography)

By Leslie Garrett, Annie Tremmel Wilcox

Helen Keller was a girl who became blind and deaf. Despite these huge obstacles, she grew up to be an amazing woman. The biography tells us about her childhood and how she loved to write. I was totally able to relate to that and standing tall in life.

Sophie Simon Solves Them All

Sophie Simon Solves Them All

By Lisa Graff

Sophie Simon is a curious genius. However, her parents would rather see her make friends than operate on earth worms. Meanwhile, three other kids have their own problems: a girl in a nasty ballet class, a struggling journalist, and a shy boy. Lisa Graff presents a unique outlook on childhood.

Bigger than a Bread Box

Bigger than a Bread Box

By Laurel Snyder

I loved this book and recommend it to all my 4th grade students. The story follows a middle-school student named Rebecca. In the beginning, her life appears to be happy and ordinary. Suddenly, everything changes. One night, her parents get into a terrible fight, and her mom decides to move the family from Baltimore to Georgia to live with Gran. In Gran's attic, Rebecca ends up finding a magical breadbox. Will the magic be strong enough to make her family whole again? Bigger than a Breadbox is absolutely fantastic. It is so beautifully written. Laurel Snyder is wonderful.

The Marvelous Magic of Miss Mabel (Poppy Pendle)

The Marvelous Magic of Miss Mabel (Poppy Pendle)

By Natasha Lowe

This book tells the story of Poppy's great grandmother, Mabel Ratcliff's childhood. Mabel is a spunky young witch with a passion for experimenting spells. As time passes, she becomes a legend. My favorite part was when Mabel adopts a girl from her local orphanage. Her love for orphans is wonderful!

The Courage of Cat Campbell (Poppy Pendle)

The Courage of Cat Campbell (Poppy Pendle)

By Natasha Lowe

Cat Campbell wants to be a witch and doesn't understand why her mother, Poppy gave that up. For a while, Cat pretends to be a witch. But when she inherits the gift for real, Poppy is mortified. Will Cat ever do her passion? Cat behaves like the famous Ramona Quimby.

Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful

By Laurel Snyder

Penelope lives a rich life with her working parents. She has great books and toys, but she feels that her life is too boring. Soon, she wishes for something to happen and after a disaster, Penelope's family moves to Tennessee. Penelope makes great friends and has more kid fun.

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