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Johnny Tremain: Classic Edition

Johnny Tremain: Classic Edition

By Esther Forbes

I had to read this book for school, and thought I wouldn't like it because I usually don't like newbery honer books. To my surprise this is actually a pretty good book. If you like the revolutionary war or historical fiction I recommend this book.

How to Be a Supervillain: Bad Guys Finish First

How to Be a Supervillain: Bad Guys Finish First

By Michael Fry

Victor Spoil doesn't want to be a supervillain anymore. No, not because he keeps getting defeated. Its because hes a nice supervillain, and also has a tickling superpower.... however, between librarians, a chip that will take away his powers, and a robot. Looks like the world is gonna need him more

My Smile Diary: An Illustrated Journal with Prompts

My Smile Diary: An Illustrated Journal with Prompts

By Raina Telgemeier

it looks cool i want to read it

Night of the Spadefoot Toads

Night of the Spadefoot Toads

By Bill Harley

this is a excellent book.You should read it.To me it sounds tike a mystery well the tittle . so read it

Wilder Boys

Wilder Boys

By Brandon Wallace

I enjoyed reading Wilder Boys. It's about these two brothers, Jake and Taylor, who's mom is really sick and who's dad left their home in Pittsburgh several years earlier to go explore the wilderness in Wyoming. When they discover a dangerous secret that Bull, their mother's boyfriend, is hiding, they decide they have no choice but to go find their dad with only his old letters and journal to help them. It's a long and dangerous journey in the wilderness, and, what's more, people are looking for them. I thought it was really exciting and adventurous.

The Cupcake Club: Peace, Love, and Cupcakes

The Cupcake Club: Peace, Love, and Cupcakes

By Sheryl Berk, Carrie Berk

I loved Peace, Love, and Cupcakes! I thought it was so cool that a mother and daughter wrote it. The characters in the club are all so different but they got along so well. They all helped each other so much. I didn't like Meredith and her club. I couldn't stop reading it. It's not hard and a short book. Now, I'm on to the 2nd one!

The Cupcake Queen

The Cupcake Queen

By Heather Hepler


Amazing story written by Heather helper. Looking forward to reading more of her books! You can experience Penny's troubles throughout this novel. Great romance story!!~kb<3

The Sands of Shark Island (School Ship Tobermory)

The Sands of Shark Island (School Ship Tobermory)

By Alexander McCall Smith


she book is so cute and interesting

Grave Mercy: His Fair Assassin, Book I (His Fair Assassin Trilogy)

Grave Mercy: His Fair Assassin, Book I (His Fair Assassin Trilogy)

By Robin LaFevers

waaaaaaah i so wanna read this book i do not even know why i go on dogo books its just gona tease me like look this book sounds amazing ...... to bad u can't have it

Shark Girl

Shark Girl

By Kelly Bingham

I read the book Shark Girl by Kelly Bingham. The book Shark Girl is about a girl who gets attacked by a shark. Jane has to live without an arm now. She faces many challenges with her new disability, but through it all she is the same Jane she always was. I liked this book because it showed that anything can happen to anyone. It wasn't Jane's fault that she lost her arm but it did happen and there is nothing she could have done. I really like this book because even though she let everyone around think she gave up art, on the inside she never did. This book is realistic fiction because it can happen to anyone. It might not seem very common or realistic but it really can happen. Jane was in the wrong place at the wrong time and that happens to everybody. I think it is more of a girly book because it is about a girl but, anyone can read it. It's more for teenagers because it is kind of disturbing in the beginning. Also if you like sharks or heroic stories you would like this book. When Jane got attacked by a shark that was showing external conflict because it was man vs. nature. She also faced a lot of internal conflict, losing a part of her was very hard for her and she struggled trying be be normal again. She knew deep down that she would never be treated the same.

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