Kids Books - Sciences

The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush

The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush

By Tomie dePaola

This is a nice book that shows that everybody can accomplish something if they want. One boy in an Indian tribe can not do things other people can do, so he goes up a mountain everyday and tries to paint the sunrise to see the future of everyone.He keeps trying and can never find the right color. Will he ever be able to find the right colors, or will he remain empty-handed everytime.

Earth! My First 4.54 Billion Years

Earth! My First 4.54 Billion Years

By Stacy McAnulty

This is a nice book that mentions lots of facts about the Earth in a fun and descriptive way. It makes the readers want to read the book because they literally think that Earth is a person who is talking to you in a friendly way. It is hard to make planets appear human, but Stacy McAnutly simply did it.

Dirtmeister's Nitty Gritty Planet Earth: All About Rocks, Minerals, Fossils, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, & Even Dirt! (National Geographic Kids)

Dirtmeister's Nitty Gritty Planet Earth: All About Rocks, Minerals, Fossils, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, & Even Dirt! (National Geographic Kids)

By Steve Tomecek

I borrowed this, and read it, but for those who are trying to win this at the Freebies section,please do not read, because I might spoil it for some. Anyways, this scientist is studying natural landscaped and the world around our feet. Some take Earth for granted, but once you read this, you will be able to look at things from a different and better perspective. Enjoy!

P. T. Barnum: The World's Greatest Showman

P. T. Barnum: The World's Greatest Showman

By Alice Mulcahey Fleming

I loved the movie so much! Hugh Jackman is a really good actor!

My Family and Other Animals (Cascades)

My Family and Other Animals (Cascades)

By Gerald Durrell

I read this book 3 times, and it never fails to amuse me! This is an absolutely hilarious comedic masterpiece. I would totally recommend this book if you like comedy, biology, animals, Greece (specifically the island of Corfu) or smart people. ;) I love this book!

Property of the Rebel Librarian

Property of the Rebel Librarian

By Allison Varnes

oh my word! im in love with this book! im a booklover so to have a book about other people who love books is so cool! its one of my top favorites! i love it and could not put it down for the first,second, or third time i read this!

Common Sense

Common Sense

By Thomas Paine

I enjoyed learning about the American Revolution in school, but actually learning it from the perspective of a colonist. If you read my review of War and Peace, this might be a bit like that. This was like War and Peace, but shorter and they used words like "thereof" more often (Not like that's a problem, obviously). It was only 58 pages long, but it still took me like an hour to read (which is really saying something). Thomas Paine's pamphlet sold over 100,000 copies in the first three months, which is pretty amazing! I mean, he might not have thought his publication would have such a huge impact on the Patriots (and now the Loyalists probably hated him. I'm not sure about the neutrals. Neutral, maybe? Whatever)!! This was AMAZING to read. If you want to read it, be warned, it's slightly dry, but if you really want to learn about the American Revolution, then you'll probably love it. My class just finished learning about the American Revolution and I really wanted to read Common Sense. So I did! It's not a novel, or a biography, or an atlas, or a fact book, but a PAMPHLET (Look it up. It's probably in the dictionary. The word pamphlet, I mean. P-A-M-P-H-L-E-T. Easy). Read it! It's good (and thin)!

Around the World in Eighty Days (Discovering the Great Classics)

Around the World in Eighty Days (Discovering the Great Classics)

By Jules Verne

I really enjoy this book in which Jules Verne has done. It has some good illustrations. It has a lot of action with a side dish of a train, a spy, and a lot more. I really like this book because it is amazing

The Hound of the Baskervilles (A Penguin Classics Hardcover)

The Hound of the Baskervilles (A Penguin Classics Hardcover)

By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Habiba Sallam Hound of Baskervilles Book Review A book that is small in size can never meet the beauty standards of literature and possess its richness in metaphorical comparisons. However, this rule was broken in crime thriller novel written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and titled The Hound of the Baskerville. Sherlock Holmes along with his assistant Watson, notable for their talent in solving mysteries are called upon the moor by James Mortimer to investigate the murder of his patient and family friend. The victim was believed to be murdered by the supernatural hound following the Baskerville curse. This curse is a legend that runs through the family originating from the evil act of Sir Hugo’s when he kidnapped a girl. Upon arrival at the moor after his uncle's tragic murder, Sir Henry Baskerville decides to come back and investigate this curse with Holmes and Watson. To solve the mystery, the all collect different peices of the puzzle after meeting several suspects. One specific suspect was Stapleton whom they were able to track his history and find out that he lied about his sister who was actually his wife. At this point, Holmes digs in and even recognizes that Stapleton actually resembles Hugo's portrait, which might mean a desire for the Baskerville wealth. It has come to Watson that the Barrymore's who were the family servants found a letter signatured LL who was Laura Lyons. They decided to visit her and told her about Stapleton's marriage who spilled the beans about the hound and helped them resolve the curse. Fortunately, Stapleton trained his hound to attack the Baskerville whom was given Sir Henry’s belongings to smell but the younger sibling of the Mrs. Barrymore was dressed in Sir Henry’s clothes. The hound was found killed later when Stapleton instructed the hound to attack Sir Henry, when he was invited to the household. As a naturalist Stapleton treated others as animals as he treated his wife whom he beat after disrespecting and not participating in his plans . After spending a lot of time on the moor and on this case Sherlock Holmes and Watson are winners once again.

Gila Monster: Facts & Folklore Of Americas Aztec Lizard

Gila Monster: Facts & Folklore Of Americas Aztec Lizard

By David E. Brown, Neil B Carmony


this book has way to much details i kind a like it and kind of don't sorry person

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