Kids Books - Nature

King & Kayla and the Case of Found Fred

King & Kayla and the Case of Found Fred

By Dori Hillestad Butler

This story is cute. It is about a dog named Fred and his persons are missing. He meets a dog named King and King's person. King's person is named Kayla. King and Kayla help Fred find his family.

The Time Machine

The Time Machine

By H.G. Wells

What if someone told you that time travel was possible; that you can journey to the past or venture into the future? The Time Traveler, whose name is never revealed, is an intelligent but extremely eccentric scientist who discovers that there are four known dimensions of space--which really only means that you can easily move up and down, left and right, forward and backwards, and through Time. As long as you have entire consciousness and speed, you can break its constraints move around it. And so the unnamed Time Traveler brings himself to the year 802,701--that’s 30 million years from his own time. When he finally finds his way to the future, he finds his home--London--to be gone. Every building that formed the city no longer stands--just structures that act as homes to a society of simple-minded and innocent creatures who call themselves the Eloi. But as he continues his stay with them, he notices strange things, things the Eloi won’t tell him about. Sinister ghost-like beings that come in the night --deep voids in the ground that lead into what seems like nothing, and why are the Eloi so deathly afraid of the dark?--but ultimately, no one tells the Time Traveler about what happened to the human race. Most science fiction books during that century--the 1800s--were centered around the entire idea of being able to travel through time, but H.G. Wells was the first to actually try to explain the science of moving through the dimension of duration. Most of you probably wouldn’t enjoy books written in 1895--that’s 119 years old-- but The Time Machine really is worth reading-- and its only a little less than a hundred pages long. You’ll find that the Time Traveler, especially, is one of the most interesting parts of the book because you get to understand the mind of a scientist--it makes you think like him when you look at the world. The Time Machine is a novel that stands the test of time and humanity. But if there’s one thing I didn’t love about this book is how Wells views the--truly haunting--fate of us. And he definitely deepened the meaning of The Time Machine with thought-provoking ideas people today haven’t really cared enough to think about--the idea that today’s problems such as rampant industrialization and especially class struggle, will carry on to the future even 800,000 years from now. And although it’s only fiction, the way Wells portrays the future can very well be true. The human race doesn’t end, of course--but something much worse happens; something inhumane. “It sounds plausible enough tonight,” says the Time Traveler, “but wait until tomorrow. Wait for the common sense of the morning...for after the Battle comes quiet.”

The Eagles are Back

The Eagles are Back

By Jean Craighead George

I like this book it had history and biography in it that why I like it

More Surprising Stories Behind Everyday Stuff

More Surprising Stories Behind Everyday Stuff

By Drimmer, Stephanie Warren

Cool! Amazing book!

National Geographic Kids Almanac 2021, U.S. Edition (National Geographic Almanacs)

National Geographic Kids Almanac 2021, U.S. Edition (National Geographic Almanacs)

By National Geographic Kids

This book is very interesting it talks about a bunch of different things. I recommend it to people of all ages.

Foxes (Blastoff! Readers: Backyard Wildlife) (Blastoff Readers. Level 1)

Foxes (Blastoff! Readers: Backyard Wildlife) (Blastoff Readers. Level 1)

By Emily Green

This book only had a little info on Foxes not a long enough read. It didnt have very good facts about Foxes i would have liked to learn more details about foxes. most of the info was stuff i already knew about this animal.

Albert Einstein: Genius of the Theory of Relativity (Genius Scientists and Their Genius Ideas)

Albert Einstein: Genius of the Theory of Relativity (Genius Scientists and Their Genius Ideas)

By Joyce Goldenstern

Mathematics, Physics, and Science. (All capital because they are all very important). This book has it all, from the genius with wild hair to relativity. I was interested because Einstein inspires me, and he was amazing at finding out formulas to the universe, and I think all Mathematicians, Scientists, or people who want to find formulas like Einstein, read this. It will be great.

Ripley's Believe It Or Not! Enter If You Dare (ANNUAL)

Ripley's Believe It Or Not! Enter If You Dare (ANNUAL)

By Ripley’s Believe It or Not

The series all in all is a good book series with fun facts And good educational facts I Recommend the Ripley's Believe it or not series. The one I am reading right now the larger than life book. I also like how they tell what kind of things you will be reading about. This is what the Ripley's believe it or not larger than life book says. " out of this world. Feast your eyes on astonishing Art, crazy festivials , and freaky foods. I love those parts of the books thats all I have for you guys today buh bye

101 Life Hacks: Genius Ways to Simplify Your World

101 Life Hacks: Genius Ways to Simplify Your World

By Andrus, Aubre

Woah!!! Epic! I'd love to read it.

Bravelands #2: Code of Honor

Bravelands #2: Code of Honor

By Erin Hunter

A Reader

General: Bravelands is fine, I guess. It's pretty poorly paced, and the description on the back does not match what actually happens in the story. Plus, two characters (Sky the elephant and Fearless the lion) are cliche and boring. Fearless was kicked out of his pride as a cub and the pride was taken over by a villain. THEN he runs away and is found by animals of a different species and raised by them. Sound familiar? The worst part is that he constantly acts like a heroic Simba, but every. single. time he has the opportunity to seize the pride, he gets scared and backs down. His story is basically just a back and forth argue-with-Titan (the villain)-and-then-run-away-because-I'm-a-cowardly-lion. So, even though the book says he is waiting for a moment to take back his father's pride, he honestly doesn't. Instead, he takes the cowardly way out (again) and just says, "Oh, I don't have a mane yet, I'll do it when I have a mane." Sky's life is basically just a Warriors character. It got really boring to read about her just because A. her plot was mostly just a typical Warriors book and B. The description says she is going to "find a new Great Parent" but that doesn't even happen. This book is really not reaching Erin Hunter team standards. Even some parts with Thorn the baboon felt rushed, and he was the only character I think is actually worth reading about. Even the villain in his story is really, really, REALLY annoying overpowered, and Thorn mostly just acts submissive. Thorn also is not exactly loyal to his girlfriend. And how, exactly, is he "rebelling against his destiny"? Is it by trying to be with his girlfriend when he can't because he's not the right rank?. The worst part is that Fearless could have had a chance to improve in this book, but instead (WARNING: SPOILERS!) he decides to KILL his friend, who happens to be the only character who is actually significant to the plot. The ending was also a mess. It was rushed, sloppy, and the cliffhanger felt inappropriate; Violence: Plenty. Semi-significant characters die. Animals are slaughtered by the lion villain for no reason. An elephant calf is killed out of pure bloodthirsty-ness. The baboon villain, the one who is overpowered and yet the way to defeat him is SO OBVIOUS, yet Thorn can't figure it out, kills basically everyone who gets in his way and conspires against members of his troop. A rhinoceros falls from a height and dies (thanks to the villain). The baboons fight several bruatal battles with a troop of monkeys before deciding to break the branches slightly. When the monkeys climb onto the branches, they snap and all the monkeys die of a broken neck. Eventually, all of the death becomes predictable: you die because of the baboons, the monkeys, or the lions. The baboons have something called "sweetpulp", which young baboons find a stash of. It's kind of like baboon alcohol. It is consumed multiple times. A baboon uses it to dull the pain of an injury. Thorn laces food with it to make the other baboons sleep so he can sneak away to attack the villain. There is no swearing, although they do have insults that might be their equivalent of strong language.

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