Kids Books - Life

The Misadventures of Max Crumbly 1: Locker Hero

The Misadventures of Max Crumbly 1: Locker Hero

By Rachel Renée Russell

Great book but a little OTT. Max Crumby has never been to school. Until now, his Grandma has homeschooled him because she was "perfectly qualified" (she used to be a preschool teacher). Now he has to deal with bullies without telling the teacher (just in case they tell his Grandma). Max is stuffed in a locker for 12 hours, but luckily breaks through an old wall and discovers an old boiler room. Then he uncovers that burglars are planning to steal the schools brand new computer equipment! With the help of his friend will Max be able to stop them!

The Friendship Code #1 (Girls Who Code)

The Friendship Code #1 (Girls Who Code)

By Stacia Deutsch

Lucy is excited to get started with the school's new coding club. But she becomes disappointed when she gets put with a work group with girls she hardly knows and when the class doesn't start like how she thought it would. All Lucy wanted was to make a special app that she believes will help someone that is very special to her. All of a sudden, she begins recieving coding messages and needs a little help translating them. Lucy soon discovers that coding and freindships takes time and dedication.

Hurt Go Happy

Hurt Go Happy

By Ginny Rorby

This is the best book in the world, but the ending is sad. At least she learns sign language and becomes a vet...

The Sweetest Fig

The Sweetest Fig

By Chris Van Allsburg

i want to read this book because Chris Van Allsburg makes all his books with mystarys and i love mystarys also he somitmes add a dog named fritz he might hide the dog or the dog is the main charecter.

One Crazy Summer

One Crazy Summer

By Rita Williams-Garcia

A 11,9,and 7 year old whose mother left them behind when the 7 year old,fern was born.The 11 year old, Delphine , takes care of her sisters when they go there to visit her. At first it was hard but then her mother started to be nice until she was arrested because she was "black".They stayed home till neighbors came and helped them.It takes place in the 1960's.It showes how they treated blacks back then and how its like with a mother that hates you.It all ended with Delphine , Vonetta(the 9 year old),and Fern all end up staying with their mother longer because the got a special bond that made them happy with eachother.

P.S. Be Eleven (Ala Notable Children's Books. Middle Readers)

P.S. Be Eleven (Ala Notable Children's Books. Middle Readers)

By Rita Williams-Garcia

The next book in the Gaither Sisters series. The sisters return to Brooklyn with a newfound sense of independence. big Ma is not happy about this. The girls learn that their father has found a new girlfriend, and they got married! Delphine is not happy. Also, the girls are getting reading to head back to school here Delphine learns that the woman who was supposed to be her teacher, Ms. Honeywell, had been replaced with a transfer teacher from Africa. And he is strict. Can she survive 6th grade? But that's not the only problem she faces. There is boy and friend drama, and there's something off about Uncle Darnel...

Gone Crazy in Alabama

Gone Crazy in Alabama

By Rita Williams-Garcia

The sisters travel south to Alabama to visit their grandmother, and their great grandmother. They learn the truth about their family, and they learn the value of family too. i mean they should have considering that Vonnetta almost died in a tornado, and that they learned a detailed story of their entire family tree from two different perspectives.

Emperor Pickletine Rides the Bus (Origami Yoda)

Emperor Pickletine Rides the Bus (Origami Yoda)

By Tom Angleberger

In the final epic tale of the Origami Yoda series, the 7th graders of McQuarrie Middle School take a hard earned field trip to Washington D.C. But when the ex-principal makes a rule that no one can bring origami or paper on the field trip, they are doomed because Harvey has gone to the Sour Side with Emperor Pickletine, who is made out of a pickle. Now how will they be able to withstand their evil force?

Princess Labelmaker to the Rescue! (Origami Yoda #5)

Princess Labelmaker to the Rescue! (Origami Yoda #5)

By Tom Angleberger

this story is about a team of orgami trying to turn the princable to the good side. then a boy named Dwight, who has orgami yoda, gives her a orgami priencess to make her on the good side. then, he gives the princeable a case file and show her things that yoda did to help their problems. Then at the end, yoda was about to say something, but Dwight said "no yoda they will know" which means there's going to be a other book!!!

Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppett (Origami Yoda)

Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppett (Origami Yoda)

By Tom Angleberger

Cool book!! In the 4th book of the Origami series, you will find out Mr. Howell's secrets and will see the rebel's actions. How will they ever be able to fully demolish the school's horrible learning system? I would recommend this for ages 9+ i liked this book a lot but it wasn't as good as the other ones. The pace sort of lagged and some parts of the book were boring. This might be the worst book in the series.

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