Kids Books - Education

The Mysterious Moonstone (Key Hunters)

The Mysterious Moonstone (Key Hunters)

By Eric Luper

My school was talking about this book, so I thought I would check it out here.

Firefighters - Internet Referenced (Usborne Beginners)

Firefighters - Internet Referenced (Usborne Beginners)

By Katie Daynes

This book was long it was good but long. IT tells you all about fire man. it tells you who they are and how they help and lots of people ya. I like there little pitchers they are so cute.

DK Readers: My Cat's Secret (Level 1: Beginning to Read)

DK Readers: My Cat's Secret (Level 1: Beginning to Read)

By Karen Wallace

This is another book for cat lovers! I really enjoyed reading about things that I did already know about my cat and things that I didn't know about cats. This has a lot of facts on Owning a Cat so if your interested in owning a cat check this book out first.

Why Is the Air Dirty? (Ask Isaac Asimov)

Why Is the Air Dirty? (Ask Isaac Asimov)

By Isaac Asimov

I think this book is good for kids to do some research on the air pollution, but actually it is for kids, so there is only some basic information. There's some example for air pollution, but not really enough for giving the information to wrote paper. After all I think it is good for kids to learn air pollution.

Sachiko: A Nagasaki Bomb Survivor's Story

Sachiko: A Nagasaki Bomb Survivor's Story

By Caren Stelson

Wow this looks very interesting

Being Bad: My Baby Brother and the School-to-Prison Pipeline (Teaching for Social Justice Series)

Being Bad: My Baby Brother and the School-to-Prison Pipeline (Teaching for Social Justice Series)

By Crystal T. Laura

In this book, the author is focusing on the issue of social issues in the world like in schools. Everywhere in the world, there is social injustice, especially against people of different skin colors. Chris, a kid who was known as a bad kid by others, is the main focus of the story, and the reader will learn about the social issues with different people during that time. The best part of the book is how the author describes their lives while also showing the readers the social issues that are happening in many places. After reading this book, I learned about the history of African-American teenager's social world and their insights. Overall, I would recommend this book to others who are reading books about social issue or needed information on that topic.

Opposing Viewpoints Series - Discrimination (hardcover edition)

Opposing Viewpoints Series - Discrimination (hardcover edition)

By Mary E. Williams

I think that this is a really good book, it analyzes both parts of the argument. For example, in the book, it talks about Affirmative Action in the U.S, and it analyzes the arguments of people who are for and the arguments for people that are against it. So, you can decide which argument was better, and form your own opinion. Each part is like a little opinion editorial, it uses lots of statistics and analyzes them. It tells you a lot about each subject too, and I think that if you have time and like to read about these issues, it's a worthwhile book. Also, some of the words in this book is quite hard, I think that you have to be quite an avid reader to understand the book. I had to stop and make sure I understood and try to figure out a lot of the sentences in the book. It also talks about more than African-American racism, so I also learned about lots of different programs to help solve racism, and racism at other minorities.

Chemical and Biological Warfare: The Cruelest Weapons (Issues in Focus)

Chemical and Biological Warfare: The Cruelest Weapons (Issues in Focus)

By Laurence P. Pringle

I think this is a great book and it explains about what is chemical weapon and why is it a treat or dangerous thing that is ever invented. And there is a part that talks about chemical weapon's past history that what did it done to people, give me nice understanding or information about it.

Male/Female Roles (Opposing Viewpoints Series)

Male/Female Roles (Opposing Viewpoints Series)

By Auriana Ojeda

I learned a lot about different perspectives from this book, and I also learned that in order to understand a controversy, you will have to consider every point of view and not just stick to your own opinion. Some of the authors in the book state that women often earn a lot lesser than men, and also mention the fact that women often have to take care of sick family members as well. After reading several different opinions on this, I think that women do deserve the right to determine whether they want to start a family, or focus on their career first. They also talk about how women deserve more job opportunities in the workplace, and how males need to grow up and take up the job of caring for the children as well. However, they don't really get around to explaining how this new system can possibly solve the problem of gender inequality or how it is any better than the traditional patriarchal family. After finishing this book, I finally have a greater appreciation of how every gender needs the other, and how each gender should have both equal rights and respect.

Itty Bitty Kitty: The cutest little kitty in the World

Itty Bitty Kitty: The cutest little kitty in the World

By Sparkles


The little kitty is cute but if I was the little kitty I would stay with my Owner forever in my lifetime

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