Kids Books - E



By Sara Pennypacker

looks cool

Dory Fantasmagory: Dory Dory Black Sheep

Dory Fantasmagory: Dory Dory Black Sheep

By Abby Hanlon

this is about a girl who can't read and has a monster named mary who lives under the bed.

The Maze Runner 3. The Death Cure. Movie Tie-In

The Maze Runner 3. The Death Cure. Movie Tie-In

By James Dashner

The Death Cure is the final book in the maze runner series and it is a must read! The book continues the story where Thomas feels even more betrayed and hurt by everyone, causing all the Gladers and the rest of the group to rebel and leave WCKD. As Thomas, Jorge, Brenda, and Minho try to search for the Right Arm, the rest of the world is crumbling and everyone they know are beginning to fall apart and die. One of my favorite scenes in this book is when Newt begs Thomas for his death because he didn't want to be an insane crank. Although Thomas refuses to kill him at first, he eventually ends Newt's life and make amends. I love this scene because there are tons of emotions of how he loses his friend, the guilt, and how miserable and confused Thomas is. I really like Teresa because she's brave, mysterious, and has always cared for Thomas since she first met him. Before the Immunes escape, she saved Thomas life and died in his place, stating that she is sorry and she only cared for him. Overall, I think this book is just amazing and is full of adventures, emotions, and lessons about friendship.

A Year Down Yonder

A Year Down Yonder


Mary Alice, age 15, feels very sorry for herself when she is put on a train by her parents (because they need to get a smaller house where there is no room for her) during the economic slump after "The Great War" (WW1), to live with her grandma (a woman known for being very active and having a gun) in a small town where everyone knows everything. I would recommend this book to age ten and up because it has some parts that are better for older kids (A painter tries to paint the post lady while she has not clothes on, and then a snake falls on her because the painter's studio is in the attic, and the post lady runs back to the post office screaming without her clothes on, and there is also a tiny bit of romance).

The River (A Hatchet Adventure)

The River (A Hatchet Adventure)

By Gary Paulsen


I would read Hatchet first, it would make more sense. He is not alone this time. He has a man named Derek Holtzer with him. But on a stormy night Derek reaches for his briefcase and gets struck by lightning and in a coma. Brian had to build a raft and travel the river to a trading post where they are saved. I totally recommend it! 🙂

The Jungle Book-Treasury of Illustrated Classics Storybooks Collection by Rudyard Kipling (2013-01-21)

The Jungle Book-Treasury of Illustrated Classics Storybooks Collection by Rudyard Kipling (2013-01-21)

By Rudyard Kipling

The Jungle Book, by Rudyard Kipling, tells that even a little child can be astounding. Once, there was a boy named Mowgli. He was raised by a pack of wolves in the rainforests of India. Later though, he had to move to the village. Unfortunately, soon he was driven out by an old man because he thought he had bad behavior, but Mowgli did some amazing things, like skin a tiger. Nearby, there was a mongoose called Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. Rikki-Tikki was brought to Teddy’s home, but during the night, snakes would come there. The mongoose killed the intruding snakes! Finally, there was another boy called Little Toomai. Petersen Sahib, who caught all the elephants for the government, told him that he could have a job when the elephants danced, which Petersen thought meant never. Sahib said this because he didn’t want him to have job ever. Little Toomai waited, and soon the elephants started to dance! The hunters all had a feast, just because Little Toomai, who had seen elephants dancing. I recommend this story, having three stories in it, for boys and girls, grades third to fifth.

The Wind in the Willows (Illustrated Audio-eBook)

The Wind in the Willows (Illustrated Audio-eBook)

By Kenneth Grahame, Inga Moore

This book is about friendship. There are four main characters: a mole, a rat, a badger, and a toad. The story begins when the mole heads out of his burrow. He sees the rat, who is just about to go paddling. He decides to go paddling with the rat. An otter comes by, and agrees to have lunch with them. Halfway through lunch, the badger comes by. At the moment, he is shy and walks away. then, when the mole and the rat paddle away, disaster struck. The mole gets a turn to row, and accidentally capsized the boat. The rat rescues some of the items dropped, but loses the luncheon basket. They have many adventures, and meet many new friends. The story ends with the toad, who is arrogant, boastful, and vainglory, totally changing.

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