Kids Books - Cultures

Who Is Malala Yousafzai? (Who Was?)

Who Is Malala Yousafzai? (Who Was?)

By Dinah Brown

I like the Who was? series and when I saw this in the classroom library I knew I wanted to get it. Malala has always intrested me because of how she fought back at not even age fifteen. After reading this book now I know so much about Malala and the taliban. I reccomend this book for second grade to sixth grade.

Who Is George Lucas? (Who Was?)

Who Is George Lucas? (Who Was?)

By Pam Pollack, Meg Belviso

This who was book does not disappoint! Learn all about George Lucas’ childhood, teen years, and his early movies. This book is really fasinating, and you will learn a lot!

Who Is Steven Spielberg? (Who Was?)

Who Is Steven Spielberg? (Who Was?)

By Stephanie Spinner

I loved this book! It was really fun learning more about the director who made so many great movies! This book had many interesting facts that I did not know! I loved how Steven Spielberg made the movie “ET” based a little bit on him, and how he felt in the past!

Who Was Nelson Mandela?

Who Was Nelson Mandela?

By Meg Belviso, Pamela D. Pollack

i love this book and he is my favorite historical figure but it's too bad he died.(new copies are sold as who was nelson mandela)

Who Is Michelle Obama? (Who Was?)

Who Is Michelle Obama? (Who Was?)

By Megan Stine, Who HQ

Michelle and her family where really close . Especially her and her brother craig. When Michelle and Barack had there kids they wanted the same thing , a close family. Michelle always felt lonely and worried for Barack when he had too leave but it all got made up when Barack became president and they got to love in the Whitehouse . They always had dinners together. This is a great story that I recommend to all ages! I rate this book 5/5 stars - Pizzagirl7 😉

Who Is Jane Goodall?

Who Is Jane Goodall?

By Roberta Edwards

Ever since Jane goodall had a chimpanzee stuffed animal when she was young she wanted to spend her life with chimpanzees . But it was hard to make that dream come true. After awhile of working her friend invites her to her new home in Africa which is exactly where she wants to go. Only thing is it's expensive . So she works and works. You'll have to read the book to find out what happens next. I love this book so much! I recommend to all ages and I rate this book 5/5 stars . Thank you for this review! 😁 - Pizzagirl7 😁

Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt

Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt

By Gare Thompson


This is the best biography book I read I did this book for a book report and its about Eleanor was a girl and her mom didn't care about her because she didn't have the looks like her mom only her dad cared about her and her dad a had a problem with drinking and he went to a other countries to get help but then her mother had a baby later later passes he's mother is sick and dies and then her dad and she goes to college and she meets her cousin and they fell in love and got married and they studied hard then his husband ran for president and his uncle teddy rosavelt came too but find out when you read it

Who Was Ferdinand Magellan?

Who Was Ferdinand Magellan?

By S. A. Kramer

I read about him to learn and get information on him for my part in the Wax Museum. (We dress up like our character and recite a paragraph from memory in our "museum".) He also has to do with my heritage of the Philliphines.

Who Was Roald Dahl?

Who Was Roald Dahl?

By True Kelley

I haven't read this book but i want to bc of the way he was and how i know that he wanted to just make kids laugh bc kids deserve a good laugh bc laugh is a good medicine! I recommend this book so you can understand why he is awesome! And that is why people made a story about him...bc he is awesome.

Who Was Mark Twain?

Who Was Mark Twain?

By April Jones Prince

I rate this book a 3 star because this book talks about how Mark Twain became famous. I made a connection to Mark Twain because he always liked being alone near the Mississippi River and I like being alone for most of my time. Best known as the author of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain, not unlike his protagonist, Huck, has a restless spirit. He found adventure prospecting for silver in Nevada, navigating steamboats down the Mississippi, and making people laugh around the world. There is my summary of this book and my review!

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