Island of the Blue Dolphins

Island of the Blue Dolphins

By Scott O'Dell

127 ratings 184 reviews 216 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 10 - 9V5.440531

Far off the coast of California looms a harsh rock known as the island of San Nicholas. Dolphins flash in the blue waters around it, sea otter play in the vast kep beds, and sea elephants loll on the stony beaches.

Here, in the early 1800s, according to history, an Indian girl spent eighteen years alone, and this beautifully written novel is her story. It is a romantic adventure filled with drama and heartache, for not only was mere subsistence on so desolate a spot a near miracle, but Karana had to contend with the ferocious pack of wild dogs that had killed her younger brother, constantly guard against the Aleutian sea otter hunters, and maintain a precarious food supply.

More than this, it is an adventure of the spirit that will haunt the reader long after the book has been put down. Karana's quiet courage, her Indian self-reliance and acceptance of fate, transform what to many would have been a devastating ordeal into an uplifting experience. From loneliness and terror come strength and serenity in this Newbery Medal-winning classic.

Publisher: HMH Books for Young Readers
ISBN-13: 9780395069622
ISBN-10: 0395069629
Published on 9/9/1960
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 192

Book Reviews (181)

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I didn't read the whole book but it was good I guess.

This is a story I read in 4th grade. It was so good that I can remember every single detail in this book. It related to the Native Americans, a subject we were learning in Social Studies. I think it helped me learn new facts about Native Americans.

loved it it's just i need to read it again

same with other ibd book review

It was ok i guess. All that was going on was. "I want water," so she goes to get water then, "I want food," so she gets food and says, "I want more water to wash it all down," and the cycle repeats.

I've read this book and it is awesome!

I think this book is good because I love dolphins. #DOLPHINLOVER7

gripping story about a young woman survives in a deserted island all by her lonesome. beautiful, beautiful book

this book was awesome i could read it over and over again. i wish rountu was my dog #rountulover

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