The Time Fetch

The Time Fetch

By Amy Herrick

15 ratings 12 reviews 7 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 5 - 8Y4.968770

Edward thought he had picked up a rock. He didn’t know it was a sleeping Time Fetch―and touching it would alter the entire fabric of time and space.

Under normal circumstances, a Time Fetch sends out its foragers to collect only those moments that will never be missed or regretted. It then rests, waiting to be called back by the Keeper, who distributes the gathered time where it is needed in our world and others.

When eighth-grader Edward innocently mistakes a sleeping Fetch for an ordinary rock, he wakes its foragers too early, and they begin to multiply and gobble up too much time. Soon the bell rings to end class just as it’s begun. Buses race down streets, too far behind schedule to stop for passengers. Buildings and sidewalks begin to disappear, as the whole fabric of the universe starts to unravel.

To try and stop the foragers, Edward must depend on the help of his classmates Feenix, Danton, and Brigit―whether he likes it or not. They all have touched the Fetch, and it has drawn them together in a strange and thrilling adventure in which the boundaries between worlds and dimensions are blurred. The places and creatures on the other side are much like the ones they’ve always known―but slightly twisted, a little darker, and much more dangerous.

Publisher: Algonquin Young Readers
ISBN-13: 9781616204532
ISBN-10: 1616204532
Published on 8/26/2014
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 336

Book Reviews (13)

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This book was okay. It could have got better but, it's also not bad.

This book is okay but not something I would recommend or read again. I like action and adventure but I am not impressed. I give this book 3 stars

This book is very interesting, but I love it! It starts by Edward finding and picking up what he thinks is a rock, but little does he know, it is a sleeping Time Fetch—and touching it will release its foragers too soon and change the entire fabric of time and space. It changes everything,buses race down streets, too far behind schedule to stop for passengers. Buildings and sidewalks begin to disappear as the whole fabric of the universe starts to unravel. Edward tries to stop them, but he must depend on the help of his classmates Feenix, Danton, and Brigit—whether he likes it or not. They all have touched the Fetch, and it has drawn them together in a strange and thrilling adventure. The boundaries between worlds and dimensions are blurred, and places and creatures on the other side are much like the ones they’ve always known—but slightly twisted, a little darker, and much more dangerous. I really LOVE this book, PLEASE READ IT!!!!!

The Time Fetch was a super cool book! The characters were really cool! This is a very fast paced book! This book is full of suspense and adventure! I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a great adventure book!

I liked the Time Fetch, though I didn't love it. It's about how these four friends discover a Time Fetch, a stone that sends out foragers to collect the time that is not missed or regretted. When the foragers are awakened, they begin to multiply and eat away at the time. Soon, buildings are crumbling to dust and disappearing. The four friends have to stop the foragers from unraveling the universe and return their world to peace. The book was good, but I wouldn't recommend reading it.

I loved Time Fetch! That would be so cool to be able to speed up and slow down time, Although this could be abused, I would like a shot at it :)

A good book. It tells a time distorted adventure of an awkward nerd, naive girl, a shy, mute girl and a very social guy and there quest to save the world.

Edward, Danton, Feenix, and Brigit are completely different. But they become entwined in a problem in time that they can't refuse to fix. They find a secret society in a rock, and they made mistakes that disrupted the flow of time. They are seeing things that aren't there to others, and are realizing the wrong. In the final battle, they go through awful weather, horrifying flies, and the evil Unraveler. Time is almost wrecked, but through their polar opposites, they mend the fourth dimension.

At the beginning it was really weird but it got neat at the end. This book is about a kid Edward who finds a special rock that was not supposed to be moved. He brings it to class and unleashes time foragers that gobble up time. To try and stop the foragers, Edward must depend on the help of his classmates Feenix, Danton, and Brigit. They all have touched the Fetch, and it has drawn them together in a strange and thrilling adventure.

This book was ok. It was kind of confusing around the middle part because it doesn't really explain things well. I woldnt really reccomend to a friend

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