The List

The List

By Siobhan Vivian

9 ratings 8 reviews 21 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 9 - 12Grades 3 - 5n/a4.881867
The remarkable New York Times bestseller!

It happens every year before homecoming -- the list is posted all over school. Two girls are picked from each grade. One is named the prettiest, one the ugliest. The girls who aren't picked are quickly forgotten. The girls who are become the center of attention, and each reacts differently to the experience.

With THE LIST, Siobhan Vivian deftly takes you into the lives of eight very different girls struggling with issues of identity, self-esteem, and the judgments of their peers. Prettiest or ugliest, once you're on the list, you'll never be the same.
Publisher: Push
ISBN-13: 9780545169172
ISBN-10: 0545169178
Published on 4/1/2012
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 336

Book Reviews (9)

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i want to read this it is neat how they have lists in school my school has nothing like this

I loved this book because it is a great book in which readers are tranported into the minds of 8 young girls who are dealing/struggling with their obstacles in their own lives. “I devoured THE LIST—it's funny, heartbreaking, suspenseful and wise. It definitely makes my list as one of the best books I've read all year.” —SARA SHEPPARD, PRETTY LITTLE LIARS


Very interesting book want to read it

tells a story that you want to rad again again and again. Once you finish the book your heart will be ripped out of your chest.

I loved this book because it gave you different perspectives of different girls who ranged from different ages and features as well a social status

I decided to read this book because when I read the back cover it really grabbed my attention. I thought this book was interesting because they were trying to figure out who made the list of the prettiest and ugliest girls in school. Towards the end they figured out who did it but was still friends with that person.