Bat Loves the Night

Bat Loves the Night

By Nicola Davies

0 ratings 7 reviews
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades P - 3Grades 2 - 4M3.4641
As nighttime falls, a pipistrelle bat wakes up, flies into the night, uses the echoes of her voice to navigate, hunts for her supper, and returns to her roost to feed her baby.
Publisher: Walker Books Ltd
ISBN-13: 9781406312744
ISBN-10: 1406312746
Published on 4/7/2008
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 32

Book Reviews (7)

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shavelle shavelle

i think the book was great because it tells you about bats and gives you information

H.M. H.M.

I liked bats love the night because thare are lots of interisting facts and I like to learn about bats

Dp Dp

the liked it when the moth sliped away


I think of this book that bats live in roost,cave,or tree. these little bats can eat,fruit,little bugs.


i like this book because it is about bats and bats are cool because they are mammals that fly at night.

Dp Dp

I like it because it tells facts and the future about bats.Also it was funny when the bat wanted to eat the moth but it sliped.


i like this book because bat has a lot of babies and eats the moth and keeps trying to eat it.