A Mango-Shaped Space

A Mango-Shaped Space

By Wendy Mass

52 ratings 59 reviews 74 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 3 - 8V4.758208
hirteen-year-old Mia Winchell appears to be a typical eighth grader. But Mia is keeping a secret from everyone who knows her: sounds, numbers and words appear in color for her. Mia has synesthesia, the mingling of perceptions whereby a person can see sounds, smell colors, or taste shapes. A Mango-Shaped Space is a poignant, coming-of-age novel spiced with wit and humor that chronicles Mia's developing appreciation of her gift and the part it plays in her life.
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
ISBN-13: 9780316099493
ISBN-10: 031609949X
Published on 11/10/2010
Binding: Paperback

Book Reviews (60)

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im reading this book still somewhere around the beginning but I think its going to be amazing

A beautiful book about a girl, her mixed up senses, called synesthesia, and her cat, who has a part of her grandfather's soul. Sooooooooooooo sad in the end! So realistic! Beautiful

this book is one of my favorite books because a) it's not a "and they lived happily ever after" kind of book b) it's REALISTIC! and c) it's by wendy mass, who writes a-MAZING books!


This book is sad and funny and amazing.

This book is awesome! Mia has synesthesia, which makes her senses different. She doesn't tell anyone, and she think she has a terrible disease. This book is awesome!

me me

omg, I cryed ans was so sad when you know what happened(srry but I don't wanna give it away!)

This book is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Mia has a disease that makes her senses weird. For example, when she hears a word, she sees a color flash on front of her. Like if you told her your name,e, she would say ''your name is brown with white dashes and blue dots'' or something like that. Also Mia is trying to keep this disease a secret, but it is effecting her grades I'm school, so she is forced to tell someone. She finally meets someone else with the same disease, which makes her feel like she's not as different anymore, which makes her come out and tell her mom.

i really want to read it. please please please tell me if you've seen it anywhere and the price. thanks!:)

i just bought this book wish me luck!

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