A Light in the Attic

A Light in the Attic

By Shel Silverstein

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From New York Times bestselling author Shel Silverstein, the creator of the beloved poetry collections Where the Sidewalk Ends, Falling Up, and Every Thing On It, comes an imaginative book of poems and drawings—a favorite of Shel Silverstein fans young and old.

A Light in the Attic delights with remarkable characters and hilariously profound poems in a collection readers will return to again and again.

Here in the attic you will find Backward Bill, Sour Face Ann, the Meehoo with an Exactlywatt, and the Polar Bear in the Frigidaire. You will talk with Broiled Face, and find out what happens when Somebody steals your knees, you get caught by the Quick-Digesting Gink, a Mountain snores, and They Put a Brassiere on the Camel.

Come on up to the attic of Shel Silverstein and let the light bring you home.

Publisher: HarperCollins
ISBN-13: 9780060256739
ISBN-10: 0060256737
Published on 10/7/1981
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 176

Book Reviews (46)

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doritos3 doritos3

i really like this story! :}

I love Shel Silverstein's books, and this one is one of my favorites! I wish to own this book.

Shel Silverstein is a fantastic author.I love all his books.

in my opinion i loved it i thought it was great I highly recommend it for those poetry readers!this is my fav author!!!

I loved reading this book in Elementary School! The poems are easy to understand, yet so beautifully wonderful. The illustrations are also unique and interesting, perfect for the book. It is one-of-a-kind and a must read for everyone!

the illustrations are amazing is you have imagination if you don't you cant under stand

it was an ok book but the illustrains are horrible the auther could use some work on the peoms too but minus that my favorite is about the girl who wanted a pony

The illustration are in a different style, and I sort of agree with you on the people drawings, but overall I think the poems were pretty good. I respect your opinion fully, though.

i love these poems, and the illustrains ae good, and i love these poems!!!!!!

Me too! The illustrations are probably meant to be like that. I don't mind it

me neither, it is his style

totally his style, every book of his has those weird but awesome sketches!

Really? I thought the poet did a great job on the poems. And the illustrations aren't horrible, they're realistic and fun to look at. Also I don't know how you liked the poem about the girl who wanted a pony. That's just sad. But this is just my opinion.

i agree, they are fun

This book is filled with funny and silly poems! You should defienetely read this book! (:

read this book

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