wikdfury's Activity (731)

  • svpurplestar
    svpurplestar added a new comment in
    About 9 years ago
  • svpurplestar
    svpurplestar added a news bookmark.
    Asian countries like China, Thailand, and Vietnam are teeming with ancient statues of Buddha. Some are famous for their size, others because they are carved from solid gold and ...
    About 9 years ago
  • yellowcake
    yellowcake added a new comment in
    This book looks really good and I love reading good books.
    Over 9 years ago
  • yellowcake
    yellowcake added a new comment in
    I love mythology and this just seems like a book I would read.
    Over 9 years ago
  • analise
    analise added a new comment in
    I bought one, a bunny in a ice cream ring. I still have it, somewhere...
    Over 9 years ago
  • analise
    analise added a new comment in
    Over 9 years ago
  • analise
    analiseliked a comment in How Social Media Aided The Fight Against Injustices In 2014.
    I still don’t think social media is good. I, as my swim coach calls it, think it is still ANTIsocial media, as everyone is constantly checking to see who liked their photo, if they have any new followers, or if people like the new hairdo they posted on instagram that day. The electronic device is too addicting and is turning many people into social media monsters. Its not even something they check once in a while- its an obsession. Everyone I know, all my friends and classmates and whatnot is always on their phone between classes. I bet even i would be pulled into the electronic whirlpool if my parents weren’t strict. Facebook, twitter, snapchat, instagram, and all that other junk won’t really make a dent in the world’s problems. If you want to help, don’t just lie down on your bed and type “#bringbackourgirls”. If you want to do something about it, go and join a protest or other rally that’s going on! As the saying goes, “Actions mean more than Words.” Facing a problem face to face is better than facing it through a screen. You can’t do anything through a screen, but if you’re there physically, you create memories on top of actually helping the cause. And you have a good feeling that you participated in a good cause. For example, there was a protest for a man in NYC that was unjustly killed. The police who killed him was declared not guilty. I went to the big apple and there were huge mobs of people marching around. They were holding a peaceful protest against the policeman. That, I believe is what YOU should do when you want to help. Saying “I liked a photo today on the Garner case” sounds worse than “I joined a protest today about Eric Garner. I believe he was unjustly killed so I joined the protest.” However, everyone has their own opinions so I can’t stop you if you still think Social Media is good. I mean, it’s ok, but only one in a while. Reply, I want to hear your thoughts! ~Analise (KAY)
    Over 9 years ago
  • svpurplestar
    svpurplestar added a new comment in
    Over 9 years ago
  • svpurplestar
    svpurplestar added a news bookmark.
    While frolicking in soft snow never gets old, it is always super special the first time around. On January, 6th, 2015, America's favorite giant panda, Bao Bao, that resides at S...
    Over 9 years ago

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