The ET-Like Insect That Inhabited Earth 100 Million Years Ago

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This strange insect found preserved in amber represents a new species, genus, family and order of insects. PhotoCredit: George Poinar, Oregon State University

The about million species of insects known to humanity thus far have managed to neatly fit into one of 31 existing scientific orders. However, when George Poinar, Jr., the world’s leading expert on plant and animal life forms found preserved in amber, saw the carcass of this 100-million-year-old insect, he knew it would require its own scientific order – an incredibly rare event.

According to the emeritus professor of entomology at Oregon State University’s College of Science, the insect had many features that did not match those of any other insect species he had encountered. The most prominent were its triangular head and bulging eyes that gave the female bug an “E.T.-like” appearance. To be clear, triangular heads are not unusual in insects. However, it is always the hypotenuse, or the longest side of the right angle, that is attached to insect’s neck. In the case of this mysterious insect, it was the vertex, or the highest point of the triangle, that connected to the neck. This enabled the bug to see almost 180 degrees by simply turning its head sideways.

Neck glands appear to release a substance that was probably used to repel predators. Photo Credit: George Poinar, Jr., Oregon State University

Poinar and his team, who published their findings in the journal Cretaceous Research in December 2016, believe that the wingless insect was an omnivore that resided in tree bark fissures and fed on mites, worms, and fungi. Its long, narrow, flat body and slender legs, indicate that it could move quickly. The researchers were also able to detect glands on the insect’s neck which they think may have secreted a chemical to repel predators.

The bug, categorized in a newly created order Aethiocarenodea, was named Aethiocarenus burmanicus in honor of the Hukawng Valley mines of Myanmar – previously known as Burma — where the amber was discovered. While the researchers are not sure how the arthropods became extinct, they speculate it was most likely due to the loss of their preferred habitat. Given that scientists have been able to find just one other amber preserved specimen of this alien-like insect, they expect the scientific order to be a very exclusive club with just two members. In comparison, Coleoptera, the largest order to which beetles belong, boasts hundreds of thousands of species.

The insect’s head, which researchers thought almost resembled the way aliens are portrayed, was so unusual it required the extinct insect to be placed in an entirely new scientific order. Photo Credit: George Poinar, Jr., Oregon State University

If you think the Aethiocarenus burmanicus looks scary, you are not alone. Poinar was so intrigued by his find, which “looked so much like the way aliens are often portrayed,” that he created a Halloween mask resembling the insect’s head. However, it was not as big a hit as he had hoped. The researcher says, “When trick-or-treaters came by, it scared the little kids so much I took it off.”


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  • hiabout 6 years
    make some dinos
    • Jamesover 6 years
      This is cool
      • dudeover 6 years
        this is epic!
        • nb240594
          nb240594over 6 years
          ET ... back.. from...100 million... years... ago
          • horseridinggirl
            horseridinggirlover 6 years
            • Ladybugover 6 years
              cool but gross
            • AlexandriaP123 almost 7 years
              • AlexandriaP123 almost 7 years
                Eww but cool lol
                • 5eagent0015
                  5eagent0015about 7 years
                  This... ant thing is... really cool but at the same time really weird.
                  • thecoolkidyo
                    thecoolkidyoabout 7 years
                    guys when i was small i saw a large large large ant the size of a large oven glove it was scary i watched all day it fell and died i freaked out when it fell because it had BIG SHARP MOUTH THINGS LIKE A BEETLE!!!!!i threw its dead body in a hole and put dirt over it and ever since iv been checking up on it every day to make sure it was not a dream