Now This, Is A Graduation Party!

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With the school year winding down many of you have probably just attended or are getting ready to attend your graduation party. But no matter how cool and fancy you think your celebration was or will be, very little can beat the 15 million euro ($20mm USD) extravaganza organized by the Saudi Royal Family for Prince Fahd al-Saud's graduation. And fittingly enough, it was at the 'Happiest Place on Earth' - Disneyland Paris!

Not impressed? How about this? The three-day celebration that took place at the theme park from May 22nd to May 24th, was the not the entire graduation celebration, but just the grand finale of a Disney Dreamers tour that began at the theme park in Hong Kong and then continued on to the California and Florida locations, before finally ending up in Paris.

So what did the Prince and 60 of the lucky invitees that included some close friends, avid Disney fans and a few select bloggers get for $20mm USD? Exclusive use of some parts of the park during regular business hours, as well as, the right to enter the park way before and stay long after, the rest of the visitors left. Also included in the price was custom entertainment that included 'rare' Disney characters like Roger and Jessica Rabbit, The Aristocats and the cast of Up and Atlantis, the Lost Empire. The Prince is such a great fan of the park that he even had a hand in designing special costumes and settings, all of which were made in Saudi Arabia and shipped to the park, along with 80 dancers! What is not clear however, is what graduation the Prince was celebrating!

Also, this is not the first time he has hosted an expensive party at this theme park. Last year, to celebrate the park's 20th anniversary, he brought a smaller group of people which set the Royal Family back, a mere 800,000 euros (about $1mm USD).

Just shows the power of the magical world created by the amazing Walt Disney, who must be smiling in his grave, especially given the fact that it cost him just $17mm USD to build the first Disneyland in Anaheim in 1955!

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  • noyayay
    noyayayover 1 year
    I went every year to Disney ever since I was 1 yrs old
    • zoeyyang
      zoeyyangalmost 3 years
      I and evayang are sisters, so I grew up in Disney, too.
      • evayang
        evayangalmost 3 years
        My sister and brother grew up in Disney too.
        • evayang
          evayangalmost 3 years
          I grew up in Disney.
          • chrisover 4 years
            this is scary do the music is scary
            • unicorn love about 5 years
              good luck and wow
              • jump with joy over 5 years
                i'm a huge fan of Disney!
                • Guyabout 7 years
                  But to get to Mickey takes forever In Disney Land Other than that is is amazing! :3 <3
                  • Daniel almost 8 years
                    Did you know that this is so cool because that place seems to have much improvement that the graduating kids will really like it and also they have the best stuff and rides and other cool stuff ever don't you guys think?
                    • lisaalmost 8 years
                      disney land is great it has fantastic things there and it also has cool lights and other equip to keep as awsome as possible and other possible things that could happen there it seems to keep it real.don't you think?