Video Of The Week - Is 'Harlem Shake' The New 'Gangnam Style'?

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If you, like most people, are a little fatigued with PSY and the numerous parodies of his super hit song 'Gangnam Style', it may be time to check out Harlem Shake, the newest dance craze to hit the Internet!

This latest viral trend began earlier in the year, when a few students dressed in costumes, decided to do a crazy dance video to a catchy audio tune named Harlem Shake, released by American music producer, Baauer. They then of course posted it on YouTube. For some reason, it caught the fancy of many people and just as was the case with Gangnam Style, everyone from kids to pets to even firefighters, have gotten into the spirit with their own parodies.

And, while the dance is mostly free form with everyone doing pretty much what they want, there is a method to the madness. It begins with one person preferably in a mask, dancing alone. However, when the chorus begins, the group around him that has so far been ignoring the ruckus, suddenly rises and begins dancing. While the entire Shake lasts only about 30-seconds it is quite catchy, which is probably why it has gone viral, so quickly.


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