Kids Books - Skills

Dance Fairies #7: Isabelle the Ice Dance Fairy: A Rainbow Magic Book

Dance Fairies #7: Isabelle the Ice Dance Fairy: A Rainbow Magic Book

By Daisy Meadows

If you have the dance faries ssssssseries RUTURN IT!!!!!!!!they are the same book are the sameBOOK OVER Again! I think if you only have one of them stick to it thendon't read any more!

Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid

Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid

By Megan McDonald

I loved this book because I thought it was funny. One part that was funny was when Judy got Stink a mirror that said James Madison on one side that made him look really small like James Madison and on the other side it said Abe Lincon and made Stink look really skinny and tall like Abe Lincon.

Jake Drake, Class Clown

Jake Drake, Class Clown

By Andrew Clements

ths book was really funny.i thought jake was very funny and had a good personality.i may be in middle school but I was cracking was kind of funny when ms.bruce ran out the class.SORRY ms Bruce

Protecting Marie

Protecting Marie

By Kevin Henkes

Very boring and slow. Nothing really ever does happen and there is no climax or downfall. A slow paced book about a girl and her dog.

The Paperboy

The Paperboy

By Pilkey, Dav Pilkey

This book was a good story about a boy that delivers newspapers and I really liked it. He has a dog that goes with him while he rides his bike to deliver the papers.

Meeting Miss 405 (Orca Young Readers)

Meeting Miss 405 (Orca Young Readers)

By Lois Peterson

ther is a good lesson in this book and it has lots of twists and relizations

The Fairy Ring: Or Elsie and Frances Fool the World

The Fairy Ring: Or Elsie and Frances Fool the World

By Mary Losure

Frances moved from south Africa to England to live with her cousins, while her father went to fight in the first world war. In summer she and her cousin, Elsie often when down to the brook behind there house to play. When one day, while she was waiting for Elsie to get off work, she sees a little man walking along the bank on the other bank. She didn't tell anyone, but the fairies keep appearing, sometimes even when Elsie is around. One day, her mother tells her she wished she stayed out of the brook, and that it was very unladylike. Frances said she goes there because of the fairies, and her mother cant believe it!! Her daughter lying to her! then elsie claims to have seen them too. " Then why not take a picture of them?". A few weeks later, when Frances gets home from school, Elsie shows her a ring of dancing fairies cut out from paper. Borrowing Elsie's father's camera, they rush to the brook and take a picture. Once it is developed, no one teases them for awhile. Everyone thinks it to be real!! Eventually they take a 2nd picture; this one of a gnome. then one day Frances' mother was at a lecture, the speaker of witch, believed fairies to be real! Frances's mother speaks with the man afterwards, and sends him the 2 pictures. they end up in a magazine, TONS of people believe it to be true. no one finds out the secret until much later. I like this book although, its hard to tell whats real and whats made up. . . . .And it can be a bit random at times, but otherwise its pretty good.

Joshua T. Bates in Trouble Again

Joshua T. Bates in Trouble Again

By Susan Shreve

Just started reading it, so far so good.

Postcards from Camp

Postcards from Camp

By Simms Taback

i love the letters they writ in this book

Lady and the Tramp (Disney Lady and the Tramp) (Little Golden Book)

Lady and the Tramp (Disney Lady and the Tramp) (Little Golden Book)

By Teddy Slater

I love this book because it has cute dogs and romance. I love how they drew the pictures and every thing in it.

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