jdesa's Activity (42)

  • kittykat101
    kittykat101 added a book review.
    These books.. where do I start? I loved it! I got the entire series for Christmas, and finally finished...three years ago? When I was little I wanted to BE Mary Poppins. I mean seriously, who doesn't? This is one of my all-time favorites, and Travers really does a good job bringing the characters to life, to the point where you wouldn't be surprised to see them walking the streets or in your school.
    Almost 6 years ago
  • kittykat101
    kittykat101 added a book review.
    I used this book for a school project, and lets just say it was a great book. It wasn't quite so closely intertwined with the fairy tale as Cinder, but it had many elements included. I love how both girls, Scarlet and Cinder were looking for each other, causing things to run more smoothly. Almost had the book overdue to the library because I wanted to keep it! :)
    Almost 6 years ago
  • kittykat101
    kittykat101 added a book review.
    I'm almost done with this book, and it is great! it features a Drama-filled summer of teens, trying to find what they are in this world, and where they stand based on relationships. Single, just friends, jealous, crushing, cheating, player, summer boy, long-distance. Whatever it may be, and sort out tangled and confused feelings.
    Almost 6 years ago
  • kittykat101
    kittykat101 added a book review.
    This book is a tangled mix of emotions, all put into one summer, experienced by teens, friends since children, trying to enjoy the summer, as it may be the last they all are together, as the boy's mom has breast cancer, and won't go for treatment. She wants to enjoy life while it lasts, as life and not in the hospital. All while this is going on, Belly is trying to find herself a boy. A great book, that shows what it is like to have a crush, yet be still alone, or to be turned down.
    Almost 6 years ago
  • kittykat101
    kittykat101 wants to watch this movie.
    Almost 6 years ago
  • kittykat101
    kittykat101liked a comment in Mary Poppins.
    Almost 6 years ago
  • jdesa
    jdesais now following kittykat101.
    Almost 6 years ago
  • jdesa
    jdesa added a new comment in
    I don't see what the big deal is about 13. It's MY favorite number.
    Over 6 years ago
  • jdesa
    jdesa added a new comment in
    Over 6 years ago
  • jdesa
    jdesa added a new comment in
    Ok, so the snow leopard fell off a cliff, and just walked away?!
    Over 6 years ago

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