einstein's Activity (2)

  • einstein
    einstein added a new comment in
    I don't believe that because my mom is a spiritual person believe it or not the #13 is a lucky number.Besides it's just a hole bunch of unpleasant rumors.Friday the 13 is just a movie with a nice name!!
    Over 10 years ago
  • einstein
    einstein added a new comment in
    I think roboroaches are awesome to bring to a class if they don't get lose and if there in a plastic container.This is so awesome!!
    Over 10 years ago

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267660einstiens5 points
267661einstien35323405 points
267662einsteinalbert5 points
267663einstein295 points
267664einstein15 points
267665einstein5 points
267666einshine5 points
267667Mrs. Inman5 points
267668einar5 points
267669ein5 points