Mr. Gold

Mr. Gold's Activity (61)

  • mrgold
    mrgold has joined a reading program.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • jaredge
    jaredge added a new comment in
    About 9 years ago
  • lilygerlach
    lilygerlach added a new comment in
    1. Japanese giant salamanders are 5 feet long. a. The author refers to them as ancient animals because they were around for, "20 million years" even though the earth is only 6,000 years old. b. These salamanders can be found on Kyushu Island and western Honshu in Japan. 2. A den-master is a large male salamander. a. 3 ways they protect their young are: Swallowing their eggs so they won't get infected, Fan their tails to ensure water circulation so that the developing eggs would have better exposure to oxygen, and, uses their heads and bodies to agitate or stir the eggs. 3. Another amphibian that could receive a best dad award is the Chinese giant salamander. a. This salamander is on the endangered list because of destruction of their habitat. Critical Thinking Question: We don't want species of animal to go extinct because otherwise, we will never see that animal on the earth again.
    Over 9 years ago
  • lilygerlach
    lilygerlach added a new comment in
    1. A large part of Bangladesh is covered in water during a rainy season because most of the country is made up of water. a. That effects the children in that area because then they can't go to school because in all flooded. 2. Mohammed Rezwan changed this problem by making "floating schools" which are schools that are on a boat. a. His mission has expanded over the years because, But as the world began to hear about the organization's worthy cause, money started to pour in. In 2003, he received $5,000 USD from the Global Fund For Children and then 100,000 USD from US-based Levi Foundation. The non-profit's biggest boost came in 2005, when the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donated $1 million USD. These funds and the recent $20,000 USD grant from the WISE (World Innovation Summit For Education) has allowed the organization to expand beyond its original mission. 3. Rezwan decided to create floating farms because as the flooding increases, it will reduce whatever little farm land the residents currently have access to, giving them no choice but to migrate to the already over-populated areas on higher ground. a. Rezwan hopes to prepare residents of the low-lying areas of Bangladesh for the rising sea levels that he believes are inevitable thanks to climate change. Critical Thinking Question: Rezwan disapproves of most floating schools some because of their flat-bottomed design that would not survive big storms and others, because they are constructed using steel. The philanthropist believes that in order for floating boats to become more widespread, they have to be sturdy enough to withstand forces of nature and built with local sustainable materials.
    Over 9 years ago
  • lilygerlach
    lilygerlach added a new comment in
    1.In early September, there were people in the course of the hot lava that has been spewing from the Kilauea volcano since June. a.The two rural communities are Ka'ohe Homestead and Pahoa on Hawaii's Big Island. 2. The Hawaiian County Civil Defense has rebuilt two gravel roads that can be used as optional escape routes if necessary. 3.They are planning to rebuild there lives when the lava flow subsides because that is where they lived all there lives. Critical Thinking Question: The differences between volcanic explosions and earthquake are that a volcanic explosion is when a volcano "throws up" lava. But a earthquake is when the tectonic plates split apart and rumble and shake the ground. Another difference is that volcano occurs less often than a earthquake. In some ways they are the same. For an example, they are the same because they are both natural disasters and they both can kill people.
    Over 9 years ago
  • jaredge
    jaredge added a new comment in
    Over 9 years ago
  • lilygerlach
    lilygerlach added a new comment in
    1.Goliath Bird eaters can have a leg span of up to 28 cm (11 in) and can weigh over 170 g (6.0 oz). a. They largely feed on earthworms, frogs and any other insects they come across. b.Their name is misleading because Goliath bird eaters don't eat birds at all. 2. They hiss, Barb their hair, and show of their fangs. 3. They have biggest diameter. a. The giant huntsman is dangerous. b. We should not be worried about these spiders attacking us because they are rarely seen. Critical Thinking Question: If I could morph into any animal it would be a monkey because they look a little bit like humans.
    Over 9 years ago
  • lilygerlach
    lilygerlach added a new comment in
    1. Benjamin Radford spends his time investigating and resolving, with logical explanations. a. Benjamin Radford says he likes helping solve spooky mysteries that people don't want to solve. 2. The latest ghost sighting was when a policeman saw a translucent figure sliding across the floor at the police station and it went through a metal fence. a. Some of the evidence was that a policeman caught it on tape. 3.The legend of Chupacabra was that he was the goat-blood sucking vampire-dog. a. It originated in Puerto Rico. b. Benjamin Radford was able to prove Chupacabra didn't exist after some painstaking investigation that involved DNA testing on the carcass of the alleged monster that had been found in Texas, Radford was able to definitely conclude that no such animal existed and that the goats were being slaughtered by either dogs or coyotes. Critical Thinking Question: In order to be a ghost buster, you have to be brave so you can find ghosts and spooks and stuff like that.
    Over 9 years ago