
Current Events for September 29, 2014Monday, September 29, 2014 at 6:39 am

Why 21st Century Classrooms May Soon Have "Standing" Room Only

Love to sink into your chairs and relax when you get to school? Then you will not be thrilled to hear that schools all over the world are seriously considering swapping out conventional desks for ones with no seats at all - Yes, that means you will be encouraged to stand through those already excruciatingly long, math and science sessions! But before you get all nervous, there will be movable stools available for those that are unable or unwilling to stay on their feet for the entire school day.

The World's Deepest Pool Is Scarily . . . Deep!

If you like to showcase your superior diving skills you may want to check out Italy's Y-40 Deep Joy. As the name indicates, the depth of this newly opened pool extends down 40 meters (131-feet) - the height of a 12-story building or nine double-decker buses stacked atop each other!

Marvel Superheroes Come Together To Help "Stomp Out Bullying"

Many of Marvel's superheroes know how it feels to be bullied. Hence it is not surprising to hear that this October, the biggest and bravest of them are coming together to commemorate National Bullying Prevention Month, with a series of variant covers on their comic books.

Current Events for September 25, 2014Thursday, September 25, 2014 at 7:10 am

Miss ClaytorPlease pick one of the articles to P, V, W and write a response.  Use the metacognition thinking stems in your notebook to help! 

Video Of The Week - Dancing Traffic Light Improves Safety

First there were the "piano stairs" that encouraged people to exercise, then came the "bottle bank" that transformed an ordinary recycling bin into a gaming arcade and now a dancing "red man" that made waiting at a pedestrian crossing, fun!

Hello Kitty Begins Her 40th Birthday Celebrations By Declaring She Is Not A Cat!

This is a big year for Kitty White or as she is popularly known, Hello Kitty. That's because on November 1st, 2014, the perpetual 3rd grader will celebrate her 40th birthday! And while she is not shy about revealing her age, Ms. White sure has been keeping a big secret from the world - she is NOT a cat!

Always Craving Chips And Cookies? Blame It On Your Gut Bacteria!

Always craving junk food? Now you can blame it on the millions of bacteria that live in your gut - At least that's what some researchers from UC San Francisco, Arizona State University and University of New Mexico, have concluded after reviewing the latest scientific literature about microbes. According to Athena Aktipis, one of the authors of the study, which was published in the journal Bio Essays in mid-August, these microscopic organisms are extremely bossy and have the power to influence not just our food cravings but also moods and overall well-being.

MIT's Robotic Cheetah Gets Ready To Take On The World (And Usain Bolt)

At first sight, MIT's recently unveiled "Cheetah", may look like an assortment of gears, batteries and motors, but watch it in action and you will soon be reminded of its spotted namesake that also happens to be nature's fastest land predator. Though the robot cannot attain speeds of 60 mph like the real cheetah, the researchers believe they can bring it to race at least 30 mph making it the world's fastest quadruped robot and also, the fastest human (if it were one), since it would easily outrun Usain Bolt's maximum speed of 28 mph!

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