
Southeast AsiaWednesday, June 1, 2016 at 10:50 am

Mrs. WestRead the article and answer the questions that follow in the comment section. Make sure you type your name at the beginning of your comment so that you receive credit!

Indonesia Announces Multi-Billion Dollar Plan To Save Jakarta From Sinking

Rising sea levels are a growing worry for many coastal cities around the world. While all are expected to be impacted, some like Indonesia's capital Jakarta, are more vulnerable. Located in the northwest coast of the Java Sea, Southeast Asia's most populous city lies on a low flat basin at the mouth of the Ciliwung River on the Jakarta Bay. Though its average elevation is 8-meters (26 feet), 40% of the city lies below sea level and is sinking by as much as six inches, annually. Experts speculate that if this pace continues, much of northern Jakarta will be underwater by 2030.
  • willian
    willianalmost 8 years
    Strengthening the sea wall because if a giant wave comes and the sea wall is not good the whole city will flood and sink. Craig
    • sydgarvey
      sydgarveyalmost 8 years
      1. Jakarata is vulnerable to sinking because of rising sea levels, other problems are that it's sinking six inches annually. 2. The first thing is they'll strengthen the existing walls and building a 21-mile long wall across the edge, the first flood brought attention to the government. 3. The biggest issue is that what it will cost, and the government hasn't even started building
      • desijay
        desijayalmost 8 years
        1,jakarta is sinking from rising sea levels 3-10mm a year there is average of 8 meters which is 26 feet. 2. after 2007 flooding they are planning to make a deliberation.3.the biggest course issue is the weather can not afford the cost which is supposed to be 40 billion in 20 years.
        • willian
          willianalmost 8 years
          craig 1.because of the sea levels growing,it lies on low flat basin,40% of city is below sea level 2.soft clay delta was sinking,strengthen sea wall,build a massive reservoir 3.the cost,logistical challlenge,relocating the residents,
          • pk123
            pk123almost 8 years
            PAUL KELLIKER........... the reason Jakarta might sink in 2030 is because they are lower then sea level and the sea level keeps on rising and if it continues at this rate then
            • babyfacetay
              babyfacetayalmost 8 years
              tsmith 1.) The reason that Jakarta is vulnerable to sinking is that the city was built on low flat basin at the mouth of the Ciliwong River on Jakarta Bay. The other factors helping the issue is that 40% of the city lies below sea level and is sinking about six inches annually. 2.) The city is slowly sinking which caused the government to act and think of a solution. They came up with strengthening the existing sea wall around the northern part of the city. Then the government would build 21-mile long wall and 17 artificial islands that would shield the city from rising sea levels. The islands would also have housing and office space for up to a million people. 3.) Some hurdles that the government would face with the plan is that it would cost a lot of money. Also it would be to find the right amount of soil needed to make the 17 artificial islands. 0 Reply
              • wolfthe1
                wolfthe1almost 8 years
                noble 1. the city is sinking because the sea level is rising and 40% of the city is below sea level 2. the government plan to build a big wall to stop the water 3. the problems are do they have the money and then building the wall and finally how much soil will need challenge I think the biggest problem is how much money it will cost if other countries do not help they might not be able to start making the wall at all
                • cola12
                  cola12almost 8 years
                  A.F. 1.Jakarta is vulnerable to sinking because it lies below the the sea level.Other factors that help the issue are that their trying to build islands to shield the land from rising water levels and their strengthening the sea wall to absorb the run off water.
                  • savagesabic
                    savagesabicalmost 8 years
                    1~ The reason Jakarta vulnerale to sinking is the flooding ,sea level rising ,subsidence decreasing,proliferation of borehole. 2~ The city is slowly sinking which caused the government to take action. They came up with strengthening the existing sea wall around the northern part of the city. 3~The cost is too high for the government, he was shocked at the government wanting to come in on the action
                    • whynot_jessica
                      whynot_jessicaalmost 8 years
                      1. the city was built on a low basin 2. the city is slowly sinking 3. it would cost a lot of money and it would be to find the right amount of soil needed
                      • miller2121
                        miller2121almost 8 years
                        1. the resin its sinking is because the sea level is rising and its rising 6 inches on average and the city was built on a low surface 40 percent of the city is under water. 2.they want them to take action because they need a giant wall to protect them from the water 3.they cant even drive cars or anything they have to row boats down the street. because the government made a really good idea
                        • sierra_lee03
                          sierra_lee03almost 8 years
                          1. Jakarta is vulnerable to sinking because it is located in the northwest coast of the Java Sea and it also lies on a low flat basin at the mouth of the Ciliwung River on the Jakarta Bay making Jakarta get flooded because of the rising sea level. 2. The government wanted to help the city not drown in water so they are trying to strengthen the existing sea wall around the northern part of the city. 3.The biggest issue of course is whether the country can afford the cost, which is expected to be about $40 billion USD over 20 years. Also there is still the technical challenge of gathering the large amount of soil that will be required to build the islands. Not only that but the cities are very populated. Critical thinking: I think the biggest hurdle/problem is the amount of money they will need to get or spend because they cannot afford the cost. -Sierra Lee
                          • deehamilton
                            deehamiltonalmost 8 years
                            THUNDER AND CAVS Jakarta vulnerable is sinking because its above sea level 6 inches high. why spurred government to take action is that he government feels bad. what are some of the hurdles thy face Is that they have a lot of stuff that needs fixng
                            • brett_gnet
                              brett_gnetalmost 8 years
                              1---- They are vulnerable to sinking because sea levels are rising and the subsidence is lowering annually. 2---- strengthen the existing sea wall around the northern part of the city. 3--- They don't know if they can afford it all. Also there are 17 artificial islands that are designed to shield the city from the rising sea levels.
                              • breanna2021
                                breanna2021almost 8 years
                                1) Jakarta is vulnerable to sinking because it lies on a low flat basin at the mouth of the Ciliwung River on the Jakarta Bay. Its factors are the tons of flooding and that 40% of the city lies below sea level and is sinking by as much as six inches, annually. 2) A flood that happened caught governments attention. The existing seawall was breached. Their plan was to strengthen the existing wall to Jakarta. 3) Some of the hurdles they face are whether or not the government can afford this cost. They will need lots of things like pipes and such that can be very pricey. The author is impressed because he didn't think the government was actually going to pitch in an help.
                                • rubikcubemaster
                                  rubikcubemasteralmost 8 years
                                  to hopefully save Jakarta from sinking
                                  • maddies446
                                    maddies446almost 8 years
                                    1. Jakarta is vulnerable to sinking because of its rising sea level and the city lies on a low flat basin. 2. The government spurred to take action because they want to save the city from drowning and their plan is to first strengthen the existing sea wall. 3. Some of the hurtles they will face is getting the money and the relocation of residents. Critical thinking challenge The biggest hurtle they will face is the money because it is around 4 billion dollors and they have to move the residents. - Madelyn Swanson
                                    • belle_zinn
                                      belle_zinnalmost 8 years
                                      Zinn: 1.Jakarta is vulnerable to sinking because the city lies on a low flat basin at the mouth of a river. Other factors that help the issue is the rising of sea levels and flooding. 2. A flood that happened in 2007 that breached the existing seawall caught the governments attention and they decided they needed to take action. Their first part of their plan is to strengthen the existing wall to Jakarta. 3. The biggest hurdle they face is whether or not they can afford the cost. The author is impressed that the government joined in to help with the problem.
                                      • whynot_jessica
                                        whynot_jessicaalmost 8 years
                                        1. the other countries around it are making it sink. 2.they want people to listen to them but they don't want to listen to others. 3.they want to run a country but they don't want to take care of it
                                        • rubikcubemaster
                                          rubikcubemasteralmost 8 years
                                          because of sea levels growing expediently
                                          • girl_sans
                                            girl_sansalmost 8 years
                                            Marcum, Paige #1. The reason that Jakarta is vulnerable to sinking is that the city was built on low flat basin at the mouth of the Ciliwong River on Jakarta Bay. The other factors helping the issue is that 40% of the city lies below sea level and is sinking about six inches annually. #2. The city is slowly sinking which caused the government to act and think of a solution. They came up with strengthening the existing sea wall around the northern part of the city. Then the government would build 21-mile long wall and 17 artificial islands that would shield the city from rising sea levels. The islands would also have housing and office space for up to a million people. #3. Some hurdles that the government would face with the plan is that it would cost a lot of money. Also it would be to find the right amount of soil needed to make the 17 artificial islands.
                                            • epicrhino
                                              epicrhinoalmost 8 years
                                              Jacob-Jakarta is vulnerable to sinking because there is no way to protect it. And the wall thats being built is not yet complete. Other factors increasing the vulnerability are the rising sea level and the decreasing subsidence. 2. The goverment started to take action when they noticed the sea level was rising. And their plan to prevent this is to build a wall and various islands to stop massive flooding. 3. Some hurdles they face are the decreasing subsidence, rising sea shore, and the wall thats suppose to prevent flooding is not complete yet. And the author is impressed with their goverment because the money they spend is mainly focused on stopping the flooding.
                                              • lilchicken
                                                lilchickenalmost 8 years
                                                Matthew- 1.Jakarta is vulnerable to sinking because there is no way to protect it yet. Other countries are helping Jakarta. They are soon going to build a wall in the next years. 2. The government wants to stop the flooding of Jakarta. Their plan is to build a wall and various islands to stop the flooding. 3. Some of the hurdles they face are spending so much money and using o much materials. I think the author is impressed by the government because their government want to spend money to fix the flooding problem.
                                                • carmelina_cg
                                                  carmelina_cgalmost 8 years
                                                  1.) all the countries around it is making it sink. 2.)they want to take over and people listen to them not you listening to them. 3.)they jump over things that are important but they just don't care about it so they just jump over the fact that there country is on the line while they just dont care. CARMELINA CROOMS-GENOVA
                                                  • deehamilton
                                                    deehamiltonalmost 8 years

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