Kids Books - Works

Overboard! (Survivor Diaries)

Overboard! (Survivor Diaries)

By Terry Lynn Johnson

11 year old Travis and his family are on a whale-watching tour, when all of a sudden, the boat flips over, tossing everyone into the ice cold waves. Travis and 12 year old Marina are separated from their families and have to use all of their knowledge to survive. After Marina hurts her arm, Travis has to take risks and try new things without panicking to keep Marina and himself alive.

Awesome Ency Of Endangered/Ext (Encyclopedia Of...)

Awesome Ency Of Endangered/Ext (Encyclopedia Of...)

By Michael Bright

Have you ever heard of an animal that is or was endangered and wanted to know more about it? If yes, then this book is perfect for you! Did you know that scientist have predicted a major extinction of life on earth during the 21st centure? Exctinctions in the pass have mostly been from natural causes, but the next mass of extinction will be caused by us: humans! Did you know that rhinos are killed for there horns? Or that rare Macaws are caught in the wild and sold as "pets"? There are many examples of how some animals are on the brink of extinction in this book. I recommend to all readers wanting to learn something about extinction. Thanks for reading -Ajg15's Reviews

Eye of the Storm

Eye of the Storm

By Kate Messner

In a not-so-distant future,killer tornadoes and monster storms are apart of everyday life. No one is safe. . . except the people who line I placid meadows,a one-of-a-kind community that even the worst tornadoes always seem to pass by. Luckily, its where Jaden Meggs is about to spend her sum er while she attends Eye of Tommorow, the exclusive science camp that had father's company created. At camp, Jaden meets Risha, a new friend with a head for numbers and patterns, and Alex, a boy from a storm-ravaged farm outside Placid Meadows. Together they try to find a way to stop the storms that cause so much fear,instead they discover a dark secret about Jadens father. Soon,a summer of cool science turns into a race to expose the truth and save countless lives shan Jaden, Risha,and Alex face down the biggest storm of all !!!!!! This a very good book Adventures,funny,and exiting!!! I really recomend this book!

Dr. E's Super Stellar Solar System: Massive Mountains! Supersize Storms! Alien Atmospheres! (Science & Nature)

Dr. E's Super Stellar Solar System: Massive Mountains! Supersize Storms! Alien Atmospheres! (Science & Nature)

By Bethany Ehlmann, Jennifer Swanson

This book shall be amazing as I say so . It shall be good best of the best amazing of the amazing it will be famous on the and that is what I say .

What Would Happen?: Serious Answers to Silly Questions (National Geographic Kids)

What Would Happen?: Serious Answers to Silly Questions (National Geographic Kids)

By Crispin Boyer

i like the style but it is a little long for this style

National Geographic Kids Guide to Genealogy

National Geographic Kids Guide to Genealogy

By T.J. Resler


I love all of the book more about bunny’s

Judy Moody and Friends: Stink Moody in Master of Disaster

Judy Moody and Friends: Stink Moody in Master of Disaster

By Megan McDonald

I really loved this book because it has so many parts that I just love about it just giving me laughter. I would totally recommend it and rate it 5 stars.

Halley Harper, Science Girl Extraordinaire: The Friendship Experiment (Volume 2)

Halley Harper, Science Girl Extraordinaire: The Friendship Experiment (Volume 2)

By Tracy Borgmeyer

Halley Harper is a walking disaster. Sure, she is full of science brain and fun ideas, but that's where it all goes wrong. Like how she nearly destroyed an oven cooking s'mores. And how her "monster toothpaste" experiment spewed green gunk all over her friend Gracelyn. And how the Monster toothpaste got in her hair and she ended up with a crazy new hairdo. One letter arrives soon: her favorite science magazine has asked her to interview a teacher at her beloved Camp Eureka! Halley BELIEVES this will be the time of her life--but not so much. Who's the girl with color-tipped hair who keeps trying to keep her apart from Gracelyn? Who is the crazy new roommate who talks nonstop? And why, oh, why is the camp magician sneaking around at night with a ripped-out page from her diary? This book is a perfect fit for every kid who has a science tornado inside of him or her that has to be let out. Extra plus for the science experiment instructions in the back of the book!Love this.

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