Kids Books - Arts

Harry Potter Coloring Book

Harry Potter Coloring Book

By Scholastic

I have this coloring book and I highly recommend it for artists that can draw in tiny spaces on paper. It has amazing drawings from Harry Potter to color in. I recommend it for HP fans.

So Silver Bright (Theatre Illuminata)

So Silver Bright (Theatre Illuminata)

By Lisa Mantchev

this is the third book in the trilogy . and its about Bertie this one is about many things! number one trying to get her parents together again, Ophelia and the shcrimshander! number two pleasing her gracious majesty, her Queen! and last pick the love of her life, will it be Ariel or will it be Nate!!!! i loved this book alot. i really like her writing style!!!!!1 soo 4 stars!

Through the Looking Glass Illustrated

Through the Looking Glass Illustrated

By Lewis Carroll

Through the looking glass and what Alice found there by Lewis Carroll number of pages 185. The main events of my story were, Alice met Humpty Dumpty. Humpty then told her the way to find the way to find the Queens. Alice found the chess pieces and one of them was the Red Queen and the other was the White Queen. Then Alice met two knights and one of the knights wanted to capture her. Then in end Alice found the Queens again. They turned Alice into a queen! Alice had to learn all of the rules of being a true queen. I did like this book at some parts but, some of it did not make sence. When I finished it and thought about it, it all came together. The reason I liked it was because it is funny and it is how in the end Alice became Queen Alice. She was super cool about having to learn all the rules about being a queen.

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

By Jules Verne

I love this book. At first i thought that this book would be boring but then when I got into it it was a really good read.

The Hound of the Baskervilles (A Penguin Classics Hardcover)

The Hound of the Baskervilles (A Penguin Classics Hardcover)

By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Habiba Sallam Hound of Baskervilles Book Review A book that is small in size can never meet the beauty standards of literature and possess its richness in metaphorical comparisons. However, this rule was broken in crime thriller novel written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and titled The Hound of the Baskerville. Sherlock Holmes along with his assistant Watson, notable for their talent in solving mysteries are called upon the moor by James Mortimer to investigate the murder of his patient and family friend. The victim was believed to be murdered by the supernatural hound following the Baskerville curse. This curse is a legend that runs through the family originating from the evil act of Sir Hugo’s when he kidnapped a girl. Upon arrival at the moor after his uncle's tragic murder, Sir Henry Baskerville decides to come back and investigate this curse with Holmes and Watson. To solve the mystery, the all collect different peices of the puzzle after meeting several suspects. One specific suspect was Stapleton whom they were able to track his history and find out that he lied about his sister who was actually his wife. At this point, Holmes digs in and even recognizes that Stapleton actually resembles Hugo's portrait, which might mean a desire for the Baskerville wealth. It has come to Watson that the Barrymore's who were the family servants found a letter signatured LL who was Laura Lyons. They decided to visit her and told her about Stapleton's marriage who spilled the beans about the hound and helped them resolve the curse. Fortunately, Stapleton trained his hound to attack the Baskerville whom was given Sir Henry’s belongings to smell but the younger sibling of the Mrs. Barrymore was dressed in Sir Henry’s clothes. The hound was found killed later when Stapleton instructed the hound to attack Sir Henry, when he was invited to the household. As a naturalist Stapleton treated others as animals as he treated his wife whom he beat after disrespecting and not participating in his plans . After spending a lot of time on the moor and on this case Sherlock Holmes and Watson are winners once again.

The Seventh Most Important Thing

The Seventh Most Important Thing

By Shelley Pearsall

I really loved this book! At first, I thought it was a bit confusing as you were placed in court with the main character (Arthur Owens) Answering the judges' questions. This book starts with Arthur Owens in court, the book gives you a flashback about what he did and how he landed in Juvie. He threw a brick at a man and was sentenced to work for the man for 140 hours. The reason he threw a brick, gave me empathy for him. The book went on and I learned about what happened to Arthur Owen's life. You also saw the relationship between the man he hit and him. For all the reasons and more I loved this book! This also was a true story which makes it even better.

Dork Diaries OMG!: All About Me Diary!

Dork Diaries OMG!: All About Me Diary!

By Rachel Renée Russell

Well I have read all of the Dork Diaries and they are all about Nikki Maxwell's middle school experience and Rachel Renee Russell is very descriptive in her books with the settings,characters and others.There really is nothing bad about her books but if you like girl drama you've come to the right series.

FORTNITE (Official): How to Draw (Official Fortnite Books)
Time Castaways #1: The Mona Lisa Key

Time Castaways #1: The Mona Lisa Key

By Liesl Shurtliff

Matt, Corey, and Ruby are told never to go on public transport without their parents. Simple enough, until they are late for school and their parents have left in the middle of the night without a note. In a hurry, they race to the subway and end up getting on the wrong train. Like, really wrong. When they board, they discover that the odd subway car is actually a time-traveling, shape shifting ship. The three siblings meet an assortment of random characters aboard the ship, and travel throughout time, "saving" artifacts by stealing them, with the promise that they will be returned, safe and sound. They are told by the captain that they can return home at any time, but is he really on their side? It seems like it until some deeper secret is uncovered...

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